A modern-day reimagining of Alice-in-Wonderland with the beloved creatures turned into human characters and follows Alicia on a wildly magical trip into the Wonderland that is Budapest. Having recently lost her beloved mother, Alicia backpacks through Europe to fulfill her mother's last wish. A chance encounter with a strange girl forces Alicia on a mind-bending overnight adventure, where she meets not only a mysterious young man, but a whole menagerie of individuals that take her on an odyssey that will open her heart and mind.
Ella Bleu Travolta | Alicia (Alice) |
Sasha Luss | Eleanor (Red Queen) |
James Cromwell | Frederick (Red King) |
Abby Corrigan | Fawn (Cheshire Cat) |
Rune Temte | Trevor |
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budapest, hungarybased on children's bookdeath of motherbackpackingindependent film