The story, set in the 19th century, revolves around the hot-blooded Jussi, a young farmer, and his friend Antti and their brushes with the local nimismies (sheriff) and the häjyt (badmen). The film, shot on location on the plains of Ostrobothnia, conveys a good sense of its unique landscape. Both Järviluoma and the director, Jalmari Lahdensuo were from Ostrobothnia and the film successfully expresses a feeling of the true spirit of the province.
Simo Kaario | Erkki Harri |
Oiva Soini | Jussi Harri |
Kaisa Leppänen | Maija Harri |
Einar Rinne | Antti Hanka |
Ilmari Unho | Heikki Hanka |
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based on play or musicalsilent film