A ferry captain named Sugisaki (Takahashi Hideki) and his first officer, Kojima (Funakoshi Eiichiro), participate in a photoshoot conducted by camerawoman Yamaka Shiori (Ohama Tomoko) of the ferry. The ferry reaches Miyazaki and Sugisaki and Kojima go to the hotel where a showing of Yamakawa's photos is being held. Yoshizawa (Nakajima Hisayuki), a magazine editor, is waiting for Yamakawa at the hotel.
Hideki Takahashi | Sugisaki Keizo |
Tomoko Otakara | Yamaka Shiori |
Aya Nakamura | Nagayoshi Mayumi |
Gen Kimura | Detective Nishikata |
Hisayuki Nakajima | Yoshizawa Tetsuo |
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