TV Movie
"Home for the Holidays" is the third stand-alone two hour Christmas special of the "Murdoch Mysteries" that first aired on December 18, 2017 on CBC, followed by a second airing on December 25, 2017 in Canada. Murdoch and Ogden travel to Victoria, B.C. to visit Murdoch’s brother, RCMP officer Jasper Linney. There, they investigate a murder connected to an archaeologist Megan Byrne who has uncovered an ancient Indigenous settlement, leading to a trek through the rugged beauty of British Columbia and encounters with the Songhees and Haida nations. Meanwhile, the Brackenreids are offered a surefire investment opportunity that may not be all it seems. At the Station House, Crabtree and Higgins prepare for a ski-chalet holiday in Vermont with their girlfriends Nina and Ruth, but learn it may be more dangerous than expected.
Yannick Bisson | Detective William Murdoch |
Helene Joy | Dr. Julia Ogden |
Thomas Craig | Inspector Thomas Brackenreid |
Jonny Harris | Constable George Crabtree |
Lachlan Murdoch | Constable Henry Higgins |
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detectiveroyal canadian mounted police (mountie)first nationschristmas1900shaidamystery