The second installment in Treasure Island Media's LEGENDARY series features ultimate top man Brad McGuire. McGuire, also known as "Brad The Impaler," became a phenomenon after starring the classics Plantin' Seed, Meat Packing and Riding Billy Wild. He also secured his reputation as the world's greatest stud by taking on TWENTY ravenous holes in a single film! This compilation includes the best and hottest scenes from all of Brad's epic fuckfilms. Plus exclusive footage showcasing the world-famous sexploits of one of the top studs of our time. Featuring Dawson, Christian, sex-slave Will and many, many more fuckholes.
Brad McGuire | (archive footage) |
Dawson | (archive footage) |
Christian | (archive footage) |
Ben Archer | (archive footage) |
Ian Jay | (archive footage) |
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